J. Cardin, B. Roe, J. Thoreson, D. Lamb, R. Rotter, T. Jarvis, L. Raihala, J. Lager, K. Reuter-Krohn, D. Beilke, W. Weber, Carl Wacker, Christy Gibbons, Jimmy OKech, Bill Tishler
Meeting called to order at 6:46pm
1.) Appoint Secretary in Chuck’s absence. (Joy)
2.) Alder Report: Alder Bill Tishler was attending a Finance Committee to advocate for $250,000 budget to replace the pedestrian traffic light at Segoe and Sawyer once the city installs a new storm water pipe. Bill also updated us on efforts to designate bicycle paths on Mineral Point and Midvale Blvd, efforts to remove the city’s unenforceable (because of a court ruling declaring panhandling free speech) panhandling ordinance, a change the trespassing ordinance, and the next stage of the development in the old Westgate Mall property.
3.) Approved minutes from August meeting
4.) Treasurers Report - $47,000 in coffers. Bills for Directory and discount card printing and mailing still to come. Motion to reimburse Joy for monthly zoom invoice ($14.99) passed.
4.) Carl Wacker invited two neighborhood residents who were interested in serving as Area Directors on the MHCA board to the meeting. Motions to appoint Christy Gibbons to fill the Area 7 Director vacancy - and to appoint Jimmy Okech and Carl Wacker as Co-Directors for Area 11 passed. They will on the slate of candidates for the odd-numbered neighborhood areas elected/re-elected at the October annual meeting.
5.) Membership Drive Update. 365 residents joined by the 9/22 deadline. Tom will finish the copy for the directory, including updating the page of government officials. We discussed needing the updated participating businesses for the back of the card by the end of next week. Bonnie volunteered to help Gregory call business to confirm their continued participating if needed. Board discussed and supported printing the card without names/membership numbers/addresses on the front. Also making the expiration date the last day of September 2025. Ron agreed to check with Econoprint about printing the directory. A mailing meeting/party will be scheduled when printing is complete. Some discussion about why membership is down from previous years. Is it because we aren’t printing and distributing the newsletter? About 25 members did not provide email addresses, so they won’t get emailings. Should we consider printing and mailing news letter to members who request and pay a little more? Should we just do this for people who may not have computers? No resolution as we can’t implement a change like this right now.
6.) Annual Meeting Update - meeting will be October 24 at 7pm in the Sequoya combined conference rooms. Rooms are occupied until 7pm - so we probably won’t get down to business until 7:15pm. Attendees can have cookies/cider/visit until room is arranged. Joy and anyone else who wants to will bring refreshments. Will hold elections. And then have a brief program with our local government elected officials. Alder Bill Tishler has confirmed. So has one of our two County Board Supervisors - Aaron Collins. Supervisor Cecely Castillo has also been invited but has not confirmed yet. Neighborhood police liaison has a conflict and cannot attend.
7.) Next MHCA Sponsored Blood Drive November 7. Library is asking for months we would like to sponsor next year. Kathy Losby is willing to coordinate 3 of them. Board agreed to sponsor 3 during months Kathy is available. Spreading them out - we’ll do them in January 11, April 11 and December 12. Noon to 5pm.
8.) Any other business? - Denise was contacted by city parks about reserving Segoe Park for Summer Nights now. The 4 Fridays in July will be reserved, even those the first Friday is July 5/4th of July weekend.
9.) Adjourn
Next meeting is the annual meeting - 7pm Conference Rooms A and B - Tuesday, October 24.
November 11/28 meeting will be in combined study rooms - not a conference room.
No meeting in December
Submitted by Joy Cardin