Meeting held in person and via Zoom. Present: J. Cardin, B. Roe, J. Walter, K. Walter, J. Thoreson, D. Lamb, C. Gibbons, T. Jarvis, R. Rotter, L. Raihala, J. Okech, C. Wacker, G. Fischer, J. Lager, K. Reuter-Krohn, C. Kreimendahl Also present: Bill Tishler, Cathy Rotter, Nan Lager 1. Cardin called the meeting to order at 6:47 p.m. 2. Minutes: April minutes approval. Motion/2nd. Motion carried. 3. Treasurer’s Report: Rotter distributed report with balance of $48,377.72. T-ball starts next week but registration is down somewhat. 4. National Night Out: Roe announces the Good Neighbor Project/Police Dept picnic event on 8/6/24 at 5 pm. Seeks funding for food and other event expenses. Motion/2nd to approve $500. Motion carried. 5. Segoe Concerts: Denise cannot help much, but sound permit application has already been filed, and Ron will arrange Port-A-Potty and Lori will seek food carts. She will offer scheduled bands the additional moneys that were previously authorized. 6. Alder Report: Tishler noted the ribbon-cutting dedication of the new climbing structure in Piper Park on 6/11 at 11 a.m. For the city budget, it is still likely that there will be a referendum about it this fall. Service cuts and streamlining are also likely. The buildings at 400 block of State St. will not be razed. Breese Stevens rehabilitation funding will be matched by the State. Generally, park fees are assessed when development occurs. 7. Green Team: Wendy relayed word that there is a songbird event on Thursday. 8. Picnic: Cathy said postcards for MHCA picnic will go out this week. She will check with Veto next week about the remainder of arrangements.. 9. Make Music Madison: The WIDE radio station site at the Orchard Dr residence will again be a venue for some music performers on 6/21. 10. Westmorland July 4th: Westmorland expressed appreciation for our donations and will send us event details. 11. Garage Sale: No news, but it will happen.
12. State Elections: Cardin noted that the new legislative districts will be filled in the fall elections. Lisa Subeck will likely be our new Assembly rep, and there may be a change for the Senate seat too. Announcements: Okech announces 7/28 “Olympics” games event for adults/children at Westmorland Park. Meeting was adjourned at 7:57 p.m. Submitted by C. Kreimendahl, Secy.