MIDVALE HEIGHTS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION AREA DIRECTORS’ MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY August 22, 2023, 6:45 pm Meeting held in person. Present: J. Cardin, B. Roe, J. Walter, K. Walter, J. Thoreson, D. Lamb, R. Rotter, T. Jarvis, L. Raihala, G. Fischer, J. Veto, J. Lager, K. Reuter-Krohn, C. Kreimendahl Also present: Cathy Rotter, Bill Tishler, Carl Wacker, Matt Wise 1. Cardin called the meeting to order at 6:47 p.m. 2. Legislators’ Reports - Alder Tishler noted that the University Park (HyVee) Phase Two building starts in early 2024. Developer is seeking affordable housing funds, so there will be a town hall-type meeting in the next three weeks. Also bike track/path along Odana Rd is approved and will alleviate Charles Ln/Odana Rd intersection problems. New separated bike lane will be coming for Segoe Rd. And the stoplight will remain at the Regent St intersection. Tishler is proposing a book club/talk session with guests discussing topics relevant to Madison life and City planning. Board inquired about Rudi the Pig and the possible ordinance change to allow such pets. He met with City Forester about trees in the Greenways, which are controlled by the Parks Dept. Public meet/greet Forester on 9/21. 3. Minutes: Motion/2nd to approve June minutes with corrections. Motion carried. 4. Treasurer’s Report: Rotter distributed report that showed a balance of $46,172.63. He also reviewed the historical T-ball income, and Segoe concert costs. Roe indicated that the GNP Picnic costs were split with Westmorland. Cardin said MHCA needs a non-profit Zoom subscription as wee cannot use hers any more. 5. Annual Meeting in October - Cardin cited Library room schedule conflict but we should be able to work around it with a slightly later start time. Otherwise, alternate meeting locations presented cost issues. Discussion of possible guest speakers. 6. Membership: Reminder postcards are going out. Jarvis will delay Directory preparation until mid- to late-September. Raihala will post membership prompt on Next Door. 7. Garage Sales: Numbers of sellers are down but Labor Day weekend sales will happen. Michelle who is coordinating will print out some maps for sellers to use to guide folks to all other sales. 8. Concerts: Discussion of Port-A-Potty expense. Lamb noted feedback about lack of variety of food carts. Announcements: Matt Wise inquired about absent sidewalks along portions of Hilltop Dr. Meeting was adjourned at 8:09 p.m. Submitted by C. Kreimendahl, Secy.