
MHCA Area Directors' meeting minutes

Minutes of the monthly Midvale Heights Community Association Area Directors' meeting.

November 2024 MHCA Directors' Meeting Minutes

Chuck Kreimendahl Tuesday January 28, 2025


      • DRAFT*** TUESDAY November 26, 2024, 6:45 pm ***DRAFT***

Meeting held in person and via Zoom.
Present: J. Cardin, B. Roe, K. Walter, J. Thoreson, T. Jarvis, R. Rotter , D. Beilke, C. Wacker, J. Okech, G. Fischer, J. Veto, J. Lager, K. Reuter-Krohn, C. Kreimendahl
Also Present: Nan Lager, Ken Skog, Bob Park, Marge Sutinen
1. Cardin called the meeting to order at 6:45 p.m.
2. Introductions
3. Officers/Board Members: Cardin announced that Christy Gibbons is resigning from Board. We will need a new President, and to encourage/recruit younger co-directors. Also consider changes to meeting days and times.
4. No legislative report.
5. WIDE Radio: Annual written report distributed showing highlights, outreach, feedback. Park also presented their treasurer’s report and requesting that MHCA donate $500. Motion/2nd to do so. Motion carried.
6. Treasurer’s Report: Rotter noted balance of $38,577.71. There is an outstanding balance owing the Parks Dept for the Segoe Concerts. Some discussion of the email scams some had received about our funds–WARNING to not respond to them.
7. Meeting Minutes: Motion/2nd to approve Sept and Oct minutes. Motion carried.
8. Membership Drive: Motion/2nd to include history book in welcome bags to new members from Oct-Sept. Various proposals about member period and prorated dues. Motion/2nd to give new residents free 2025 membership and directory/discount card if they join. Motion carried. Carl will be joined on membership committee by Bonnie, Kathy and maybe Marge.
9. Santa Visits: Jarvis said Gwen is working on this, but only expects to do a few homes. She still could use more volunteers to portray Santa on 12/19.
10. Blood Drive: Coming to Sequoya Library 12/12, and then in April, August and October.
11. Traffic Issue: Sutinen raised issue of traffic/speed issues in Midvale Heights. Discussion will continue in future.
Announcements: Aaron Collins had resigned from Co. Supv. District 10. District 7 has a new appointee.
Meeting was adjourned at about 8:20 p.m.

MHCA October Annual Meeting Minutes

Chuck Kreimendahl Monday November 25, 2024


      • DRAFT*** TUESDAY October 29, 2024, 6:30 pm ***DRAFT***

Meeting held in person and via Zoom.
Present: J. Cardin, B. Roe, J. Thoreson, L. Raihala, T. Jarvis, R. Rotter , D. Beilke, W. Weber, C. Wacker, G. Fischer, J. Lager, K. Reuter-Krohn, C. Kreimendahl
Also Present: About 20 other residents
1. Cardin called the meeting to order at 6:39 p.m.
2. Officer Elections - Election of even-numbered areas proceeded, with renomination of all existing even-numbered area directors, and no additional nominations.
3. Cardin encouraged folks to become or seek new members.
4. Annual meeting talk was given by Dr. Carrie Bunger, owner of Paws and Claws Mobile Veterinary Service, who fielded questions afterward.
Meeting was adjourned at about 7:45 p.m. to refreshments.
Submitted by C. Kreimendahl, Secy.

Septmber 2024 MHCA Directors' Meeting Minutes

Chuck Kreimendahl Tuesday October 29, 2024


      • DRAFT*** TUESDAY September 24, 2024, 6:45 pm ***DRAFT***

Meeting held in person and via Zoom.
Present: J. Cardin, B. Roe, J. Thoreson, C. Gibbons, L. Raihala, T. Jarvis, R. Rotter, C. Wacker, G. Fischer, J. Lager, C. Kreimendahl
Also Present: Cathy Rotter, Nan Lager
1. Cardin called the meeting to order at 6:49 p.m.
2. Minutes: August minutes approval. Motion/2nd. Motion carried.
3. Treasurer’s Report: Rotter announced a treasury balance of $40,240.44, of which $38,486.90 is in bank/cash.
4. Alder Report: None, but he wanted all to know that the Book club meets at Sequoya on 10/9/24.
5. Annual Meeting: It’s on 10/29. Money requested for snacks. County Board reps will be present, but no Alder.
6. Facebook Page: Should we post for new members? Roe will look into updating FB page and setting up a closed FB group.
7. Garage Sales: Noted that they were fairly well attended this year.
Announcements: Cardin noted that Madison Parks pre-registration for ‘25 events like Segoe concerts is coming up.
Odana Golf Course has a Trick-or-Treat event on 10/27.
Joe Walter’s passing was mentioned with sadness. Motion/2nd to donate $100 in his name to YMCA. Motion carried.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:32 p.m.
Submitted by C. Kreimendahl, Secy.

August 2024 MHCA Area Directors' Meeting Minutes

Chuck Kreimendahl Monday September 23, 2024


      • DRAFT*** TUESDAY August 27, 2024, 6:45 pm ***DRAFT***

Meeting held in person and via Zoom.
Present: J. Cardin, B. Roe, J. Walter, K. Walter, J. Thoreson, L. Raihala, T. Jarvis, D. Beilke, J. Okech, C. Wacker, G. Fischer, J. Lager, C. Kreimendahl
1. Cardin called the meeting to order at 6:46 p.m.
2. Minutes: June minutes approval. Motion/2nd. Motion carried.
3. Board Election: Cardin announced that we will need a new Board President and Secretary as of the November Board election.
4. Treasurer’s Report: Rotter sent in report in his absence of treasury balance of $39,037.31.
5. Alder Report: In his absence, Tishler had Cardin note that the City is considering adopting the West Side Plan, so he will accept comments. Also school crossing guard changes were discussed. There is a traffic meeting at Sequoya on 10/9/24.
6. Bus Rapid Transit: Cardin will post on website about Metro info sessions at Sequoya.
7. Segoe Concerts: Raihala said food cart effort was tardy, but band/audience feedback was excellent. Wacker said he would assist her next year.
8. Neighborhood Olympics: Okech said event was very successful. Had over 100 participants, many of them kids. Will plan for repeat event next year.
9. Annual Meeting: A guest veterinarian will be featured speaker. Invites will go out to Alder and two County Board reps.
10. Garage Sales: Jarvis noted that 26 homes registered and were on the map. He and Michelle Kempf-Weibel set it up again this year.
11. Good Neighbor Project Picnic: The joint picnic with West Side Police Department drew 350-400 attendees. Roe said the Walters assisted and that we may need increased promotion of next year’s event.
12. Welcome Team: Gibbons sent word that she has more membership bags ready for new residents, so contact her if you need some for your area.
Announcements: Cardin noted that the next Red Cross Blood Drive at Sequoya is set for 12/12/24.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
Submitted by C. Kreimendahl, Secy.

June 2024 MHCA Area Dirctors' Meeting Minutes

Chuck Kreimendahl Monday August 26, 2024


      • DRAFT*** TUESDAY June 25, 2024, 6:45 pm ***DRAFT***

Meeting held in person.
Present: J. Cardin, B. Roe, C. Gibbons, T. Jarvis, R. Rotter, W. Weber, J. Okech, C. Wacker, J. Veto, J. Lager, C. Kreimendahl
Also present: Bill Tishler, Cathy Rotter, Nan Lager
1. Cardin called the meeting to order at 6:47 p.m.
2. Alder Report: Tishler announced that a book talk on parks and greenways would happen 6/26/24 at 7 pm at Sequoya Library. Next book talk on 8/14will be by Pres House Reverend who will cover church status and roles today.
For city development in District 11, 48-unit apartments are coming as well as affordable/market rate units. Some residents have had to move due to increased rents. Tenant Resource Center director will come to Sequoya to discuss tenant rights. Further, the West District Plan comes before Council next month, which now includes somewhat better plans for District 11. Also, the City requests amendment of PDSIP Westgate use for commercial and apartment complex.
Some crossing guards stations have been moved or removed due to traffic changes.
Budget deficit: $22 million shortage may be covered in part by incoming funds, but a referendum is still likely. Tishler wants no cuts to libraries or parks. Separately, the Parks Foundation will have a fundraiser at Westmorland next year.

3. Minutes: May minutes approval. Motion/2nd. Motion carried.
4. Treasurer’s Report: Rotter distributed report with balance of $43,892.29. He also distributed a historical summary of picnic expenses. Food amounts this year were gauged well. Maybe had over 300 people attending. Veto agreed to organize it again next year.
5. Segoe Concerts: There will be no food trucks. The event was advertised/announced at the picnic.
6. Neighborhood Olympics: Okech outlined 7/28 Olympics-style event at Westmorland Park pitting kids and some adults from Piper and Westmorland Park areas but open to all residents. Motion/2nd to donate $250 for pizza for the event. Motion carried.
7. Welcome Packet: Gibbons reported that of six packets given to new residents, two have joined MHCA. For any others, we will not waive the membership fee, but will prorate to $15 for anyone joining in this interim membership year.
8. July Fourth: We are posting about the Westmorland event.
9. Website: Westmorland still wants us to develop a joint website through them and offered one year free, then a monthly $150 fee. Discussion but no action as noone lobbied for it.
Roe suggested starting a Facebook group, but there is already an MHCA Facebook page.
10. Election Year: League of Women Voters is sponsoring a County Executive candidate forum which Cardin is moderating.
Announcements: Roe had National Night Out flyers to distribute for the August 6 Good Neighbor Project event.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:28 p.m.
Submitted by C. Kreimendahl, Secy.

May 2024 MHCA Directors' Meeting

Chuck Kreimendahl Wednesday June 19, 2024


      • DRAFT*** TUESDAY May 28, 2024, 6:45 pm ***DRAFT***

Meeting held in person and via Zoom.
Present: J. Cardin, B. Roe, J. Walter, K. Walter, J. Thoreson, D. Lamb, C. Gibbons, T. Jarvis, R. Rotter, L. Raihala, J. Okech, C. Wacker, G. Fischer, J. Lager, K. Reuter-Krohn, C. Kreimendahl
Also present: Bill Tishler, Cathy Rotter, Nan Lager
1. Cardin called the meeting to order at 6:47 p.m.
2. Minutes: April minutes approval. Motion/2nd. Motion carried.
3. Treasurer’s Report: Rotter distributed report with balance of $48,377.72. T-ball starts next week but registration is down somewhat.
4. National Night Out: Roe announces the Good Neighbor Project/Police Dept picnic event on 8/6/24 at 5 pm. Seeks funding for food and other event expenses. Motion/2nd to approve $500. Motion carried.
5. Segoe Concerts: Denise cannot help much, but sound permit application has already been filed, and Ron will arrange Port-A-Potty and Lori will seek food carts. She will offer scheduled bands the additional moneys that were previously authorized.
6. Alder Report: Tishler noted the ribbon-cutting dedication of the new climbing structure in Piper Park on 6/11 at 11 a.m.
For the city budget, it is still likely that there will be a referendum about it this fall. Service cuts and streamlining are also likely.
The buildings at 400 block of State St. will not be razed. Breese Stevens rehabilitation funding will be matched by the State. Generally, park fees are assessed when development occurs.
7. Green Team: Wendy relayed word that there is a songbird event on Thursday.
8. Picnic: Cathy said postcards for MHCA picnic will go out this week. She will check with Veto next week about the remainder of arrangements..
9. Make Music Madison: The WIDE radio station site at the Orchard Dr residence will again be a venue for some music performers on 6/21.
10. Westmorland July 4th: Westmorland expressed appreciation for our donations and will send us event details.
11. Garage Sale: No news, but it will happen.

12. State Elections: Cardin noted that the new legislative districts will be filled in the fall elections. Lisa Subeck will likely be our new Assembly rep, and there may be a change for the Senate seat too.
Announcements: Okech announces 7/28 “Olympics” games event for adults/children at Westmorland Park.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:57 p.m.
Submitted by C. Kreimendahl, Secy.

April 2024 MHCA minutes

Chuck Kreimendahl Sunday May 26, 2024


      • DRAFT*** TUESDAY April 23, 2024, 6:45 pm ***DRAFT***

Meeting held in person and via Zoom.
Present: J. Cardin, B. Roe, J. Walter, K. Walter, J. Thoreson, T. Jarvis, R. Rotter, D. Beilke, W. Weber, J. Okech, C. Wacker, G. Fischer, J. Veto, J. Lager, K. Reuter-Krohn, C. Kreimendahl
Also present: Bill Tishler, Cathy Rotter
1. Cardin called the meeting to order at 6:48 p.m. Introductions followed.
2. Minutes: March minutes approval. Motion/2nd. Motion carried.
3. Treasurer’s Report: Rotter distributed report showing a balance of $47,690.49. T-ball participation/income is a bit down due to some competing leagues. Discussion of somehow honoring Pressman’s longtime commitment to T-ball ensued.
4. Alder Report: Tishler cited ongoing Council discussions about the budget. One-half cent sales task is one possibility. Money for the regional transport system would be tied to the tax. The city housing deficit leads to desire to improve mass transit to surrounding communities which are growing and building more housing. Some other Alders are holding Town Hall meetings on the budget. City staff/Mayor are proposing two budgets with or without a referendum.
Southside grocery project needs another $1 million.
West Area Plan has substantial support despite some loud concerns and changes. Many projects may not be able to be funded. Notably, the Segoe/Laub intersection redo previously mentioned was changed per MHCA wishes.
Climbing structure in Piper Park will be done by the dedication date of 6/10 Updated to 6/10 per Bill Tishler.
Meeting will take place on 5/15 about the Sequoya Commons and condominium future development.
On 6/26 at 7 pm, Tishler’s dad will give a talk on Madison parks at Sequoya Library (https://www.cityofmadison.com/council/district11/blog/2024-04-26/district-11-book-club-discussion-on-jens-jensen-and-the).
5. Website - Okech discussed that the joint website proposed by Westmorland is unnecessary for us now given what we can do with our existing website. A consensus followed that we should not participate in their pilot project.
6. Westmorland July 4th - Their president has asked us to again sponsor their big celebration. Much discussion followed, then a motion/2nd to pitch in $1000. Motion carried.
7. T-ball - More comments about honoring Pressman. A park name change is not feasible. Perhaps the ball field itself or at least a bench? Motion/2nd to honor him with some park recognition. Motion carries.
8. Police Event - Roe says police department wants us to participate in their National Night Out event on 8/6.
9. Picnic: The permit has approved. Veto got HyVee quote for less than last year. Motion/2nd to approve up to $4000 costs for picnic food/supplies with just one Porta-Potty. Motion carried.
10. Green Team: Weber noted the planned Save the Songbirds event on 5/30.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:12 p.m.
Submitted by C. Kreimendahl, Secy.

March 2024 MHCA Board Minutes

Chuck Kreimendahl Monday April 22, 2024

TUESDAY March 26, 2024, 6:45 pm
Meeting held in person and via Zoom.
Present: J. Cardin, B. Roe, J. Walter, K. Walter, C. Gibbons, T. Jarvis, R. Rotter, D. Beilke, W. Weber, J. Okech, C. Wacker, G. Fischer, J. Veto, K. Reuter-Krohn, C. Kreimendahl
Also present: Bill Tishler, Matt Wise, Cathy Rotter
1. Cardin called the meeting to order at 6:46 p.m. Introductions followed.
2. Minutes: February minutes approval. Motion/2nd. Motion carried.
3. Treasurer’s Report: Rotter reported showing a balance of $47,421.45. T-ball income and expenses are starting up. Pressman said an extra city permit charge is applying to T-ball.
4. Alder Report: Tishler noted that neighbor feedback for the Segoe Rd/Berwyn Dr. intersection redo should instead close off the short block of Laub Ln. He will contact Streets Dept. Also, the Westside plan input date has been extended.
Some have expressed speeding concerns especially on main arterial roads. He has asked police to prioritize enforcing limits there.
City budget talks are progressing but no referendum decision or cost/details yet.
Finally, ADUs are coming to allow for non-owner occupied units on single-family lots. ADU is accessory dwelling unit as a secondary unit of the lot (aka, granny flat).
5. Sidewalk Gaps: Wise discusses resolution for City Council for filling sidewalk gaps. Motion/2nd to approve slightly amended resolution. Motion carried. (Resolution wording below***)
6. Welcome Packet: Committee by Gibbons presented sample welcome bag to include ground coffee, membership form, ice cream coupon, MHCA website magnets/stickers (which have been created) and map. Discussion to allow for new residents up to three months back to receive these.
7. Neighborhood Exchange Website: Pilot program as previously proposed would give us “test run” for $500 (refundable) for them to develop an MHCA page/site. Okech suggests doing a risk/benefit analysis. Board members should visit MHCA and Westmorland sites to get a sense of content and presentation.
8. Green Team: Weber cited successful talk by Susan Carpenter of UW Arboretum about native plants. As a followup, Sarah Savage will discuss restoration of residential native plants on 4/4. Marcel will do another Odana Prairie presentation/tour this summer. Tokay median cleanup is set for the second week of May.
9. Picnic: The permit has been requested and is coming.
10. Good Neighbor Project: Drone demo is on 4/7 at 7 pm.
11. Blood Drive: Set for 4/11; volunteers should contact Red Cross.
12. Segoe Concerts: Bands are all set.
13. Newsletter: Beilke noted deadline for submissions of 4/25.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:17 p.m.
Submitted by C. Kreimendahl, Secy.

Whereas, Children living in Midvale Heights attend Van Hise Elementary, Midvale Elementary, Hamilton Middle, and Our Lady Queen Of Peace Schools and many of them walk to school;

and Whereas, Walking on a sidewalk is safer than walking in the street for kids walking to school and for other pedestrians in the neighborhood;

and Whereas, Hilltop Dr (south of S. Segoe Rd), Ames St, Hillview Terrace, and Tocora Ln are significant sidewalks gaps for safe pedestrian access to the local schools and Sequoya Commons;

and Whereas, The City of Madison no longer assesses homeowners for the cost of infill sidewalk construction;

now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Midvale Heights Community Association supports future construction of infill sidewalks to close the sidewalk gaps in our neighborhood generally, with priority on Hilltop Dr (south of S. Segoe Rd), Ames St, Hillview Terrace, and Tocora Ln.

February 2024 MHCA Directors' Meeting Minutes

Chuck Kreimendahl Monday March 25, 2024

TUESDAY February 27, 2024, 6:45 pm
Meeting held in person and via Zoom.
Present: J. Cardin, B. Roe, J. Walter, K. Walter, J. Thoreson, C. Gibbons, L. Raihala, T. Jarvis, D. Beilke, C. Wacker, G. Fischer, J. Veto, C. Kreimendahl
Also present: Bill Tishler, Matt Wise
1. Cardin called the meeting to order at 6:46 p.m. Introductions followed.
2. Minutes: January minutes approval. Motion/2nd. Motion carried.
3. Treasurer’s Report: This was provided in writing only, showing a balance of $47,645.83.
4. Alder Report: Tishler noted that an academic colleague is writing up a history of Madison including Midvale Heights.
He’s having a book discussion about “Arbitrary Lines” on 3/20 at 7 pm.
Then on 4/11 at 7 m there is a meeting on City Plowing Practices/Salt Use at Sequoya Library.
5/15 is a Sequoya Commons historical condo review.
6/10 at 11 am is the City Parks’ reopening ribbon cutting at Oak Park Heights (Piper) Park. Playground equipment installation is completed.
Provided update on Hilldale Post Office, which the developer is not trying to shut down after all. It will remain, though may move into a new building in the future.
West Area Plan is posted on District 11 website. Three public hearings happen in March. Plan would split Midvale Heights from Westmorland, so previous joint plan is merely being archived.
Budget talks ongoing at City, contemplating perhaps up to 250 staff cuts. Referendum may be necessary about staffing–Library and Parks might be particularly at risk.
Road “Diet” (lane reductions) for Mineral Point Rd are likely delayed to 2026. Financial is transferring $2 million to fix sidewalks in District 11.
5. Sidewalk Gaps: Wise discusses missing sidewalks in MH neighborhood. Needs community support, even though funding may be tough for large gaps. He’ll draw up a resolution of support for MHCA to vote on at next meeting.
6. Welcome Packet: Committee met and endorsed a gift bag for new residents which would include ground coffee, membership form, ice cream coupon, MHCA website magnet and map. Motion/2nd to approve $1000 for the gift bags. Motion carried.
5. Upcoming Events: Green Team activities were shared via email/newsletter by W. Weber
Picnic: Segoe Park has been reserved for 6/20 (and rain date 6/27). Veto will do the registration form.
Segoe Concerts: Raihala has four bands booked. Motion/2nd to raise compensation to $700 per band. Motion carried.
Youth Baseball: Registration is ongoing.
6. Announcements: Good Neighbor Project is having a police drone demo 4/7 at 7 pm at Midtown Police Station. Also a fraud specialist program will be scheduled on a different date soon.
Cardin referenced Sen. Kelda Roys letter to MHCA requesting joining a listening session. This will not happen because it is election season.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Submitted by C. Kreimendahl, Secy.

January, 2024 MHCA Directors' meeting minutes

Chuck Kreimendahl Monday February 26, 2024

TUESDAY January 23, 2024, 6:45 pm
Meeting held in person and via Zoom.
Present: J. Cardin, B. Roe, J. Walter, K. Walter, C. Gibbons, T. Jarvis, D. Beilke, J. Okech, C. Wacker, G. Fischer, J. Lager, K. Reuter-Krohn, C. Kreimendahl
Also present: Jesse Czech, Conner Cowling
1. Cardin called the meeting to order at 6:47 p.m. Introductions followed.
2. Neighbor Exchange website: Czech and Cowling described their private effort to develop a website administration group to assist neighborhood associations in running websites, possibly collectively with the City. Services would be priced at reasonable hosting/administration levels of perhaps $300/month. They may offer us and others a demo video with more details.
Discussion followed especially from Jarvis about his doubtful future as our tech guy. For now Okech may assist him with our existing website.
3. Minutes: November minutes approval. Motion/2nd. Motion carried.
4. Welcome Packet: Gibbons and Walters discussed streamlined process to get welcome materials to new neighbors. Lagers and Wacker agreed to work with them on this.
5. Upcoming Events: Segoe Concerts–Noted that Raihala is scheduling bands already. Questions about whether to raise band compensation.
WIDE Radio–Wacker reported that they are doing neighbor interviews which are set to air at 5 pm on Sundays. Will be available on demand also. Needs suggestions for more interview subjects/people.
Picnic–Cardin garnered consensus for 6/20 picnic date with 6/27 rain date.
6. Announcements: Blood Drive–Next one is April 11 at Sequoya Library.
Road “Diet”–City will reduce auto traffic lanes on Mineral Pt Rd between Midvale and Speedway. A road diet on this street would consist of reducing down to three travel lanes (one lane in each direction plus a center left-turn lane) with marked buffered bike lanes. All on-street parking would be permanently eliminated along this stretch. Additional public meetings to follow.
Hilltop Dr. Sidewalk–Neighbors were successful in lobbying to construct a missing sidewalk there at City’s expense.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:23 p.m.
Submitted by C. Kreimendahl, Secy.

October 2023 MHCA Annual Meeting Minutes

Chuck Kreimendahl Monday November 27, 2023

TUESDAY October 24, 2023, 7:00 pm
Present: J. Cardin, B. Roe, J. Walter, K. Walter, J. Thoreson, C. Gibbons, T. Jarvis, L. Raihala, R. Rotter, D. Beilke, C. Wacker, J. Okech, G. Fischer, , J. Lager, K. Reuter-Krohn, C. Kreimendahl
Also present: Bill Tishler, Aaron Collins, Cecely Castillo, Kate Kane, CJ Ryan, about 20 additional attendees
1. Cardin called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
2. Election for Odd-Numbered Areas - Existing directors for odd-numbered areas were nominated. No other nominations. Motion/2nd to elect nominees. Motion carried.
3. Legislators’ Reports - Tishler reported project focuses included traffic safety, green spaces and new housing. Also reminded that neighborhood book club meets 10/25 at 7 pm at Sequoya to discuss “Paved Paradise” book.
Parks representatives appeared to explain the Piper (Oak Park Heights) Park mistaken removal of playground equipment. Plan is to continue construction of the new equipment and seek input this winter on alternative new climbing structure to be installed next spring.
Collins and Castillo identified features of county pending budget process which includes conservation land purchases and lake dredging. Also discussed building accessibility at parks, Madison Reading Project and upcoming County Executive election in 11/2024 and again in 4/2025. Budget funds are especially tight right now with housing and hunger/food as priorities.
4. Open Forum - Questions from audience followed. There are no resources for the City to expand the volunteer ice programs in the parks.
Meeting was adjourned to treats at 8:09 p.m.
Submitted by C. Kreimendahl, Secy.