- DRAFT*** TUESDAY November 26, 2024, 6:45 pm ***DRAFT***
Meeting held in person and via Zoom.
Present: J. Cardin, B. Roe, K. Walter, J. Thoreson, T. Jarvis, R. Rotter , D. Beilke, C. Wacker, J. Okech, G. Fischer, J. Veto, J. Lager, K. Reuter-Krohn, C. Kreimendahl
Also Present: Nan Lager, Ken Skog, Bob Park, Marge Sutinen
1. Cardin called the meeting to order at 6:45 p.m.
2. Introductions
3. Officers/Board Members: Cardin announced that Christy Gibbons is resigning from Board. We will need a new President, and to encourage/recruit younger co-directors. Also consider changes to meeting days and times.
4. No legislative report.
5. WIDE Radio: Annual written report distributed showing highlights, outreach, feedback. Park also presented their treasurer’s report and requesting that MHCA donate $500. Motion/2nd to do so. Motion carried.
6. Treasurer’s Report: Rotter noted balance of $38,577.71. There is an outstanding balance owing the Parks Dept for the Segoe Concerts. Some discussion of the email scams some had received about our funds–WARNING to not respond to them.
7. Meeting Minutes: Motion/2nd to approve Sept and Oct minutes. Motion carried.
8. Membership Drive: Motion/2nd to include history book in welcome bags to new members from Oct-Sept. Various proposals about member period and prorated dues. Motion/2nd to give new residents free 2025 membership and directory/discount card if they join. Motion carried. Carl will be joined on membership committee by Bonnie, Kathy and maybe Marge.
9. Santa Visits: Jarvis said Gwen is working on this, but only expects to do a few homes. She still could use more volunteers to portray Santa on 12/19.
10. Blood Drive: Coming to Sequoya Library 12/12, and then in April, August and October.
11. Traffic Issue: Sutinen raised issue of traffic/speed issues in Midvale Heights. Discussion will continue in future.
Announcements: Aaron Collins had resigned from Co. Supv. District 10. District 7 has a new appointee.
Meeting was adjourned at about 8:20 p.m.